Thursday, April 4, 2013

Baby Season Here We Come!

It's has been a long time, I understand, but we have been very busy around here since we started our baby season about a month ago. We have already seen baby birds including a red shouldered hawk, a screech owl, a great horned owl, mockingbirds, and grackles. We have received over 50 baby opossums along with numerous baby bunnies. Besides babies we have received a multitude of birds with hooks and fishing line injuries. Just this week alone our vet Dr. PJ has pulled out two hooks from two pelicans that were in their stomachs with nothing other than her hands. We had a northern gannett with a treble hook stuck in his esophagus that we were not able to save unfortunately. Those are just a few. Let that be a lesson to fishermen, if your line or hook is caught on something please DON'T CUT IT, take the time to untangle and dispose of the line and hook, lives can be saved by doing something this simple.

We have been so busy that our days more often than not have been between 10 to 14 hour work days. The interns that work during the day usually end up going back at night to help the late shift intern. It has been madness!!!! In about a week and a half it gets even worse, one of our interns is leaving which means there will be three interns to do the work of five. We aren't getting any new interns until May, no one is available till then, most candidates are graduating college and then they will be available.

These are some of our bigger opossum babies taking a nap all huddled together. We give them multiple places to sleep but they usually stick together regardless of size and space. After all, they stay in their mother's pouch all together. 

Here is another group that was taken out of their cage to be fed at the moment. They prefer to be on top of their bedding instead of inside it. 

This is a picture of our permanent adult red shouldered hawk caring for our baby red shouldered hawk that she is currently fostering for us. (Picture by Jessica Bender, taken from our wildlife blog online at the conservancy)

This is the baby screech owl that we got in, he's a fiesty one. You can see that he wants to feed himself, he's holding the hemistats that we use to feed him in his right talon. 

This was the baby great horned owl. Hardly looks like an owl when they are this small, no tufts or anything yet.

This is no baby, only a juvenile brown pelican. He is in what we call a walk-in cage in the bird room. A lot of our patients get these cages before they go to outside cages, especially pelicans. He was a particularly special case in which he was somewhat use to humans, but once he went outside he realized he was a pelican and wanted nothing to do with us. 

Aside from work I spent some time with my good friend Linda who came down from Wisconsin to visit. We spent a day in the Everglades exploring and looking for critters, took a boat tour down through Ten Thousand Islands, and had a nice relaxing dinner. We met some interesting people along the way and of course got a little sun. Did I mention we played in the rain the first night she got here? Oh Linda, I guess that's just what we do. We ventured into Tin City the next day where we found an alligator and discovered a nice cafe. We ended that day with some tennis. The next morning we went birding at a nearby lake/park then I showed her where I work and we visited the gift shop, naturally. It was like I was back in Wisconsin at her house and we were on one of our weekend adventures. Felt good to have an exploration friend again.:) I hope you had just as much fun as I did. Thank you Linda! All the pictures below are from our weekend adventures:

This baby gator is 3 yrs old. Isn't he so cute? :)))

How big does he look now huh?

 I know this is kind of hard to see but this is a wood stork. They are hard to find and are endangered here in Florida. There are numerous projects underway to restore their nesting grounds and increase their populations to a sustainable number again.

Cattle egret on the move looking for food. My Texas folks have definitely seen these before. 

Easter!!! Me and my friends had to work on Easter of course but we dyed eggs in celebration, watched Space Jam, and ate the yummy food that our volunteers brought us.Observe:

Left to right: Candice, Hannah, Jess (roomie)

That's all folks!!! Till next time....oh wait...I will have pictures of me in Texas next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super excited to be going home for a little bit. Adios!

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