Thursday, January 3, 2013

Must not be a probie anymore

Long time no see!

Since the last time I wrote we had Christmas and New Years, I dogsat for a week, and I learned that I was getting a roommate. All that in just a few weeks. So lets start with dogsitting. I dog/house sat for one of the volunteers from the wildlife clinic the week of Christmas. She had 3 female dogs: a 1 1/2 year Doberman named Royce, 4 year old Australian shephard named Winnie, and a 9 year old german shephard greyhound mix named Nerf. They were a handful, let me tell you. The Doberman was still kind of a puppy so she wanted attention and wanted to play all the time. If you stop petting her she she would just put her head on some part of your body or nudge you if you were standing up.

The Doberman also liked to play rough with the other two so I was constantly pulling them apart=minimal sleep. Then the Australian shephard liked to howl at times and Nerf the shephard mix was the barker, she would initiate the barking inside and then go outside to continue. They had a doggie door so I didn't have to let them in and out. I was mainly there for companionship for them, to feed them, and to make sure they behaved. Winnie liked to sleep on my feet, she was my foot warmer. Nerf was the sweetheart. Winnie scratched and licked a lot so during the night I would hear her licking, Nerf barking, and feel Royce's head resting on my arm or leg.  Royce and Winnie also liked to fight over their toys, especially new ones, and would play tug-of-war with them so when I came home there was stuffing everywhere. The dogs were adorable but hard to handle. That was a very long week, glad it is over. I drove back and forth to work and it was the week I worked 6 days too instead of my normal 5 days.

For Christmas, we five interns that were left cooked the food that a volunteer bought for us and had a family style dinner. Then around 8 o'clock the wildlife interns had to go back to do night feedings since no one was scheduled for late shift. It took us about an hour to do feedings and night duties. Thank you to all my friends and family for the Christmas blessings, cards, and gifts. You made me feel like I was at home for Christmas.

I worked late shift on New Years eve and New Years so I joined the other interns when I got home in some pizza and wine. We watched the ball drop at midnight and then went to bed, woohoo! What excitement haha.

I am getting a roommate in two days. She is another wildlife intern who is replacing an intern that is leaving in a few weeks. She is from up north and is a year older than me, her name is Jess. I spent a good part of the day rearranging my room so that she has her side. I was kind of spread out all over the place with my stuff. Now I must share. She will be training outside for two weeks so we (other interns) won't be working the outside shift very often during that time.

I still haven't done much on my days off because my friends are working on those days since my days of changed a while back. I don't have an exploring buddy anymore. I usually jog with Livvy once or twice a week on either her days off or mine. We go somewhere where we can look for wildlife like the park or a sanctuary park.

It won't let me upload pictures for some reason. I will try again tomorrow. If you have facebook you can see them on there too.


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